| Announcements | Date and Venue | Registration | Fees and Payment | Public symposium |
| Organized Sessions | Sponsors | Open Meetings | Updates | Executive committee | 全国大会 |


  • Program  5 Mar 2015
  • The program table of ISAM has been updated here. This is the completed and final version.

  • Insruction for presentation  23 Feb 2015
  • Now you can find the intruction for oral and poster presentations here

  • View all announcements


Date and Venue

DateTimeAnnual meeting of SAMJ*ISAM2015
16 March (Mon.)9:00 - 9:30RegistrationRegistration
9:30 - 11:30Oral sessionOS-E1
11:30 - 13:00Business meeting
13:00 - 17:00Oral sessionISAM2015 public symposium
17:00 -
17 March (Tue.)9:00 - 12:00OS-J1 / Oral sessionOS-E2 / Oral session
12:00 - 13:30Business meeting
13:30 - 17:00Public symposiumOral session
17:00 - Young Scientist's Assembly (17:20 - 19:00) **
18 March (Wed.)9:00 - 12:00OS-J3 / Oral sessionOS-E3 / Oral session
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:30General assembly
15:30 - 16:30Poster session
17:00 - Banquet (17:30 – 19:30) ***
19 March (Thu.)9:00 - 12:00OS-J2 / Oral sessionOral session
12:00 - 13:00Business meeting
13:00 - 17:00Oral session
17:00 -
20 March (Fri.)7:30 - 15:00Excursion****
* The annual meeting of the Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan (SAMJ2015) is also organized at the venue on the same schedule as ISAM2015.
** Although this is an attraction of SAMJ2015 and will be made in Japanese, foreign young scientists are welcomed as well. The venue is Tsukuba Science Information Center, located approximately 800 m north from the main venue of ISAM2015. Please contact the registration desk for further details.
*** Inca Rose
**** We will have a post-conference tour to visit Aerological Observatory of Japan Meteorological Agency, Meteorological Research Institute, a solar power sharing plant, a strawberry farm, Mase paddy flux site, etc. Please contact the registration desk for further details. Reservation is needed.

  • →ISAM2015/SAMJ Program(PDF) Ver. 15 [2015/3/5]  Final version

Instruction for presentation
Oral Presentation  Please contact the organizers if making a presentation in the organized sessions.
1. Time Each oral presentation will have a 12-minute talk followed by 3-minute discussion. The presenter will be notified by bells - once 2 minutes before the end of the talk, twice at the end of the talk, and three times at the end of the presentation.
2. General procedures The display is limited to a screen projected by a PC, and OHP is not acceptable. Each room is equipped with a projector, an on-site PC (laptop), and a laser pointer. The presenter (or co-presenter) is responsible for advancing slides. Staffs will open and close presentation files, and switch files for the next presenter at the end of the presentation.
3. Presentation file A presenter must bring his/her presentation file with a USB memory stick or CD-ROM (or DVD), and copy it to the on-site PC at latest 5 minutes prior to the first presentation in the morning or afternoon. Please make sure your file displays appropriately. On-site PCs are accessible from 8:30 AM until the first presentation or during lunchtime. Please allow yourself enough time for the preparation. You cannot access the on-site PC in between the sessions due to the limited amount of time.
4. File compatibility and naming A presentation file must be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 on Windows 7. The on-site PC has Adobe Reader 11, and we accept a pdf file if desired. We recommend the aspect ratio at 4:3. The file name should include the number assigned for each presentation, for example, "E-9_Kuwagata.pptx". The presentation number is available on the program posted on the website.

Poster Presentation
  1. Each presenter is provided with a 1740-mm-high by 1180-mm-wide poster board, and thus the poster size of about A0 (or 1189-mm-high by 841-mm-wide) is recommended.
  2. Push pines and tape will be available in Poster Hall (Room B). To locate your assigned poster board, look for the sign marked with your poster number at the top of each poster board. Each poster board will be marked with an individual poster number. Please check the online or printed program for your poster number. English is the primary language used for posters.
  3. You can set up posters from 9:30 A.M. on March 16. Room B is also used for oral sessions. Please refrain from setting up posters during oral presentations. Posters must be removed by 5:00 P.M on March 18. Posters remaining after this time will be removed and recycled.
  4. Posters must remain up the entire poster session (March 18, from 3:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.). Odd-numbered poster presentations are scheduled from 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.; even-numbered poster presentations are scheduled from 4:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.


Organized-Session Proposals Send your proposal (organizer(s), title, abstract) to the ISAM Secretariat by email before the deadline. If all the speakers are invited by the organizer, let us know it by the email. Closed
Presentations (oral and poster) Send the registration form and extended abstract of your presentation to the ISAM Secretariat by email before the deadline. If you wish to present in the organized sessions (OS) E2 or E3, please specify the code in the form. For the selected speakers of OS E1, please choose "NOT intend", neither E2 nor E3.
Participation Participation without presentation is welcome. Send the regisration form to the ISAM Secretariat by email. The discounted price is applied until 31 Jan 2015
Manuscripts (full/short paper) Your presentation at ISAM2015 is eligible to be published in the Journal of Agricultural Meteorology (JAM) under the special program in which manuscripts are processed more rapidly than regular ones. Except for such rapidness, however, there are no differences between the special and regular programs in terms of submission procedures and peer review processes. If you wish to submit a manuscript (full/short paper) for this program, please send the submission form with your extended abstract before 31 Jan 2015 and submit the manuscript before 31 May 2015 using the JAM online submission system. Check the web site of JAM for manuscript preparation (PDF).

Important deadlines (based on JST)
Organized-Session Proposals 15 Nov. 2014
Registration forms 20 Dec. 2014 31 Dec. 2014 Extended!
Extended abstracts 31 Jan. 2015
Registration fee discount 31 Jan. 2015
Manuscripts for publication in JAM 31 May 2015

Fees and Payment

    Fees (JPY)
    (before 31 Jan. 2015)
    (before 31 Jan. 2015)
    Regular members of SAMJ¥8,000 (¥6,000)¥7,000 (¥6,000)
    Student or postdoc members¥5,000 (¥3,000)¥4,000 (¥3,500)
    Silver members¥5,000 (¥3,000)¥4,000 (¥3,500)
    Non-members¥10,000 (¥8,000)¥8,000 (¥7,000)
    Non-members (students/posdocs)¥7,000 (¥5,000)¥4,000 (¥3,500)
    *Meals are not included.

  • Payment

  • Participants from outside Japan Fees for registration and the banquet basically depend on the participants' membership status as shown in the above tables. However, overseas non-member participants can receive a privilege of discounted rate for the members (or student/postdoc members) by completing the registration by 31 January 2015. Payment by credit cards (VISA or MasterCard) is acceptable only for the participants residing outside Japan with additional fees of 5% charged for each of the conference registration and the banquet. To process the payment by credit card, please send the application form by mail or FAX to the SAMJ/ISAM2015 secretariat by 1 March 2015. The address, FAX number and the fees with additional 5% charged are noted in the form. The payment will be processed soon after 1 March 2015, and no refund will be made for cancellations occurred later than that date. On-site payment is also possible at the registration desk of ISAM2015 on arrival but please be aware that cash in JPY is only acceptable.
  • → Application form for payment with credit cards (PDF)

  • Participants from inside Japan If you understand Japanese language, please refer to Japanese page. Otherwise, please contact us by E-mail (samj2015ml.affrc.go.jp). All participants, irrespective of nationality, residing in Japan have to finish the payment by the due date to receive the discount in the payment. The payment by the postal money transfer is accepted until February 28. Thereafter, please pay at the reception desk on the meeting days.

Public symposium

We offer an opportunity to join ISAM2015 without registration.
Participation in the public symposium is not subject to payment of the registration fee.

  • "Challenges to Climate Change in Agricultural Meteorology"

  •  Date : 16 March 2015 (13:00 - 17:00)
  •  Venue : MEXT Tsukuba Center for Institutes Room A
  •  Target : Researchers in public and private sectors
  •  Language : English
  •  Organizers : Toshihiro Hasegawa, Toshihiko Sugiura and Akira Miyata
  •  Under the auspices of :
  •     Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council (AFFRC)
  •     National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES)
  •     National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)

  •  Speakers and topics:
  •  1. Carl J. Bernacchi (Rothamsted Research, UK, and University of Illinois, USA)
      “Adaptation of food and fuel crops to global environmental change”
  •  2. Zhan Tian (Shanghai Climate Center, China)
      “Agriculture under climate change in China: Mitigate the risks
        by grasping the emerging opportunities”
  •  3. Toshihiko Sugiura (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan)
      “Impacts of global warming on agriculture in Japan”
  •  4. Toshichika Iizumi (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)
      “Application of seasonal climate forecast to crop yield prediction”
  •  5. Jochem B. Evers (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
      “Functional-structural plant models for climate change studies”
  •  6. Scott C. Chapman (CSIRO, Australia)
      “High-throughput phenotyping for crop improvements under climate change”

  • Another symposium is organized in The annual meeting of the Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan (SAMJ2015) as follows.

  • "Development of Instrument towards Seeking Truth"

  •  Date : 17 March 2015 (13:30 - 17:00)
  •  Venue : MEXT Tsukuba Center for Institutes Room A
  •  Target : Researchers in public and private sectors
  •  Language : Japanese
  •  Speakers : Atsumu Ohmura (ETH)
  •        Yoshiki Ito (Sonic Corporation)
  •        Atsushi Kume (Kyushu Univ.)
  •        Taiichi Hayashi (Kyoto Univ.)

Organized Sessions

  • E1 Open-field evaluation of the impacts of climate change on rice crop and paddy ecosystem using Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)
  • Atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) is an important environmental variable for plant growth, because it is the substrate for photosynthesis. The increase in [CO2] since the industrial revolution has already exceeded 100 ppm (280 ppm in 1800 vs 388 ppm in 2009), and is projected to increase to 470-570 ppm by the middle of the century. Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) provides a unique platform for investigating how future ecosystems are likely to respond to a higher [CO2] without disturbing various ecosystem-scale interactions. Rice FACE experiments have been conducted since 1998 to better understand the paddy ecosystem response to climate change and to explore options to enhance adaptation/mitigation under future climate conditions. The objective of this session is to share and discuss the up-to-date results from Tsukuba FACE experiments.
  • (All the presentations in this organized session will be prepared by the organizers.)
  • Organizers Hidemitsu Sakai and Toshihiro Hasegawa (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)
  • Contact Hidemitsu Sakai (hsakainiaes.affrc.go.jp)

  • E2 Micrometeorology, plant structure and mass and energy transport processes in the canopy
  • Microclimate near the vegetation is an important environmental factor for plant-atmosphere interaction. Atmospheric conditions and plant structure (i.e. the size and spatial arrangement of canopy elements such as leaves and stems) interact each other through the mass and energy transfer within and above the canopy. It is essential to quantify them to understand how the plant production or ecosystem responds to global and local environmental changes. This session focuses on recent attempts and developments of both observation and modeling of micrometeorology, plant structure, and mass and energy transport process in the canopy to discuss their interactions and response to environmental change. We welcome voluntary speakers and participants who are interested in the above topics.
  • Organizers Atsushi Maruyama (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan) and Tsuneo Kuwagata (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)
  • Contact Atsushi Maruyama (maruyamaaffrc.go.jp)

  • E3 Impacts of climate change on agriculture in Japan and Asia
  • We propose this organized session as a tie-up to the ISAM2015 public symposium. Impacts of climate change on agriculture have been apparent worldwide in recent decades. In this session, we invite papers on various impacts of climate change on agriculture in Japan and in Asia, and discuss probable adaptation measures not only to minimize disadvantageous influences but to maximize advantageous influences of climate change from the agro-meteorological point of view.
  • Organizers Akira Miyata, Tsuneo Kuwagata and Toshihiro Hasegawa (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)
  • Contact Akira Miyata (amiyatniaes.affrc.go.jp)

  • Each organized session must be completed within two hours (one and half hour if many). We kindly ask all speakers, including speakers who are invited by the organizers, to pay their redistration fees.


  • We are looking for companies/organizations sponsoring us.
  • Please ask the Secretariat for details.

  •  → Invitation (PDF)

Open Meetings

  • Young Scientist's Assembly
  • See this page for details.


  • 24 Feb 2015 The latest program uploaded.
  • 23 Feb 2015 The instructions and floor map uploaded.
  • 22 Jan 2015 The program opened.
  • 9 Jan 2015 Schedule opened.
  • 20 Dec 2014 Registration deadline extended and the registration form replaced again.
  • 16 Dec 2014 Sponsors and Executive committee members updated.
  • 16 Dec 2014 The registration form replaced.
  • 25 Nov 2014 The OS titles and registration form updated.
  • 5 Nov 2014 The date and fee for the banquet uploaded.
  • 1 Oct 2014 The official web site launched.

Executive committee

ISAM2015 Secretariat

National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
Agro-Meteorology Division
3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan
Tel:029-838-8239 Fax:029-838-8211

 email: Organized session proposals miyata.akiraaffrc.go.jp
     Submission form for resistration and presentation samj2015ml.affrc.go.jp
     Sponsors and Sponsored sessions hitoshi.toritaniaffrc.go.jp
     Other inquiry miyata.akiraaffrc.go.jp
     Add a text @ by yourself when you copy the above addresses to your email client.

Executive committee for ISAM2015

 Masatoshi AOKI (Chair, Kanto Branch of the Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan)

Executive chairperson
Chief of secretariat
Chief accountant

Executive committee members   alphabetically
 Jun ASANUMA (Univ. Tsukuba)
 Mingyuan DU (NIAES)
 Toshichika IIZUMI (NIAES)
 Yuji MASUTOMI (Ibaraki Univ.)
 Dai MATSUSHIMA (Chiba Inst. Tech.)
 Hiroyuki OHNO (NARO)
 Keisuke ONO (NIAES)
 Hidemitsu SAKAI (NIAES)
 Toshihiko Sugiura (NARO)
 Hitoshi YOKOYAMA (Tokyo Metro. Res. Inst. for Env. Protec.)


 Tsukuba EXPO '85 Memorial Foundation

Copyright© 2014, Executive committee for ISAM2015